Monday, February 18, 2008

Yet Untitled

To see beauty
our eyes must washÈd be
with the tares and tears
of sorrow strong

our veins must run
with blood that's thicker
than that unknown elixer
that's promised after death

our hearts must be broken
time and time again
patched for when
the next crusader comes

our souls must be damaged
burned beyond repair
and touched by the care
of those most unexpected

our minds must be tortured
till our breath comes short
a futile attempt to sort
right and wrong

we must fall to the ground
waiting to die
and lying there,a single tear we'll cry
for all our hopes and dreams

the light will go out
we'll be lost
that is the cost
for living with eyes open

and as we lie there
the tear on our cheek
the future bleak
a fire will start inside

It will burn on
In shadows and light
through the darkest nights
it will perservere

And it will reach our heart
and warm it through
and the wind that always blew
will open it up

It will reach our soul
put passion in it's depths
to melt the bad, till all that's left
Is joy and hope

It will reach our mind
and let it be wise
this is the prize
that our journey pays

And finally it will reach our eyes
forcing our lids to open be
the fire burns there for all the world to see
never will we be blind again

The fire shows our journey
through troubled times
all the mountains that we've climbed
to reach our paradise

Your eyes have seen the darkness
your mind has wise, grown
your heart is now shown
gladly, on your sleave

your soul is now protected
by the walls of your past
I promise they will last
I would know

I know the confusion is strange
I know the pain is great
But this is the fate
of those who want to see

I've traveled the path
I know the Journey well
so now I'm here to tell
you to not give up hope

for when you reach the point
when you are breaking
you are really waking
from the sleep that keeps you blind

~Landis 2/18/08

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