Sunday, February 17, 2008


Cloud cover
Endless sky
No boundaries there
No walls up high

Oh the joy
That flying would be
Endless possibilities
Far as the eye could see

What does it mean to you?
The wind in your hair?
Or the grass filled with dew?

A path
To walk down?
Or to only be lost
Until you are found

The freedom it would bring
A sun to rise
A bird to sing

Ah how I wish-
But, no, for now
I’m rooted by burdens
Held to the ground

Ropes that tie me
Binding my wings
Poisons that burn me
Bugs that sting

Someday I’ll escape
Someday I’ll be free
Someday I’ll fly again
Someday I’ll be me

But not now
Now there are deeds to be done
Things to be seen
My Journey has just begun

Still I long for escape
Into the sky
There is a way
A door in my mind

For if I am chained
to this small space
With no where to roam
In my mind there’s a place

A Space to fly
Room to wander
No more storms here
No lightning or thunder

A peaceful summer
A moment in time
Frozen forever
A corner in my mind

There is a skill
We all possess
It opens all doors
And gives us access

To a place filled with wonder
Without hate or fear
Filled with happiness and adventure
Where all questions are clear

It leaves you with youth
With your coming of age
A clean slate
A brand new page

But what’s left behind
What will we miss?
Do we trade money and power?
For childhood bliss?

The world in your head
Lose that
And you’ll suffer till…



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