Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Inner Workings of Perfection

The weirdest thing I have known
Is when the truth is shown
And it's so far from what you thought
You didn't know what it was you got
Until that moment when the truth comes out
Things were good, but not enough to shout
Because they were great
But in this new state
Of knowing and finding what is so strange and new
And exactly what you thought you wouldn't like, too
You find these strange new feelings
Unlike any other dealings
You've had before now
And you're not really sure how
But things are greater than they were before
And he's exactly what you need for forever more
The opposite of what you thought
Is the dead shot
Of what you want, need, and now know
All the tangled messes you have sewn
Honestly just don't matter anymore
Unlike any time before
You KNOW for absolute
You can go ahead and shoot
You're in a place to far to reach
By no one can you be beseeched
To come down from this newfound place
Of such beauty and grace
Several spend their whole lives trying to find
This, but they don't know they first must bind
Their hopes and dreams and entire lives
To the one thing that truly revives
The one they love the most
And if in risen flames those things roast
You don't care because beside you
Is the one that's perfect for you too
And they are all that matters to you
Because the facts are straight and true
The two of you were made for each other
The perfection you just can't cover
They call you the perfect couple all the time
And before you just saw the signs
But now you know for sure
That you'll be in love forever more
With your soulmate
It was just fate
That brought you two together and then
When you discover the inner workings of them
And all the feelings are sudden and new
It was as if on cue
Your love multiplied by the thousands
And you feel justified and grand
To know that they're your baby
And maybe, just maybe
The rest of the world will someday find
Something as fine
As what the two of you share
And how much you care
And this is me and my baby
That is our true story
Our love's own true identy
Can't be compared to any quantity
And so this person beside me
No one can tear us apart really
Becase me and him, him and me
We are two halves of the same being

-Alisha 3/1/08

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