Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tales from a Broken Heart

Winter is blue
The darkest thing you ever knew
It makes you want to stay inside
There's every reason you should hide

You drape yourself in heavy clothes
And rewatch all those boring shows
So put your boots on one by one
In hopes of soaking up some sun

Out the door you drag your feet
You start to stroll on down the street
Mabye this won't turn out so bad
You think, to stop from feeling sad

Just when you've got a glowing strut
Your brain remembers your warm hut
No more are you feeling so tall
On ice you slip and down you fall

Discouraged, slowly heading home
No longer on these streets you roam
And when you've arrived do you see
Kids frolicking, fun and free

Back inside your broken house
You feel as helpless as a mouse
As you wander down the hall
You never should have left at all


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