Monday, December 15, 2008
December Inspiration!!! GASP!!!
Short and Sweet: (hope you like it)
I'm naked
I'm numb
I'm stupid
I'm staying
And if Cupid's got a gun,
then he's shootin'
Lights black
Heads bang
You're my drug
We live it
You're drunk, you need it
Real love, I'll give it
So we're bound to linger on
We drink the fatal drop
Then love until we bleed
Then fall apart in parts
Isn't she just awesome!!! ohh
Her name is Ana and she has an everything blog that I LOVE:
and was recently featured on, apparently.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
She never even tried
Coursing through her system
She pretends to be alive
Pounding in her eardrums
Another love song plays
The only thing she ever dreamed
Every single day
Help will not come quickly
It might not come at all
If only things could just be like
They were when she was small
This drug will be the death of her
As she lies there on the floor
Once she's done imagining,
She'll only beg for more
Her heart starts beating quicker
With every single breath
She'll feel the most real kind of pain
That won't leave her 'til death
It's a simple kind of torture
With every book she reads
They say you can't get what you want
But this is what she needs
So as she slowly melts away
Backed up against the wall,
At least she has the sense to know
That this is her downfall
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sonnet For a Rose
Oh so sad you look, poor wilting flower,
so much has changed since you first bloomed.
From when you were picked for my bower,
Rose, you were most assuredly doomed.
Now your blossoms wilt with the time to drop,
Your stem curving in its watery grave.
If your life must end and your beauty must stop,
Can any of us ever hope to be saved?
So I will lay you on the ground to die,
On that very spot that was your spring birth.
Winter's snow will cover you where you lie,
And return you back to your mother earth.
Spring will come with the slow change of season,
in my garden your pretty kin will bloom.
Their sight and smell will again be pleasing,
but deep in my heart I will always know;
Just as surely as this great earth does tilt,
That my life, as you did, will one day wilt.
Friday, November 21, 2008
As I Walked Out One Evening
It's by W.H. Auden
As I walked out one evening,
Walking down Bristol Street,
The crowds upon the pavement
Were fields of harvest wheat.
And down by the brimming river
I heard a lover sing
Under an arch of the railway:
'Love has no ending.
'I'll love you, dear, I'll love you
Till China and Africa meet,
And the river jumps over the mountain
And the salmon sing in the street,
'I'll love you till the ocean
Is folded and hung up to dry
And the seven stars go squawking
Like geese about the sky.
'The years shall run like rabbits,
For in my arms I hold
The Flower of the Ages,
And the first love of the world.
'But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.
'In the burrows of the Nightmare
Where Justice naked is,
Time watches from the shadow
And coughs when you would kiss.
'In headaches and in worry
Vaguely life leaks away,
And Time will have his fancy
To-morrow or to-day.
'Into many a green valley
Drifts the appalling snow; T
ime breaks the threaded dances
And the diver's brilliant bow.
'O plunge your hands in water,
Plunge them in up to the wrist;
Stare, stare in the basin
And wonder what you've missed.
'The glacier knocks in the cupboard,
The desert sighs in the bed,
And the crack in the tea-cup opens
A lane to the land of the dead.
'Where the beggars raffle the banknotes
And the Giant is enchanting to Jack,
And the Lily-white Boy is a Roarer,
And Jill goes down on her back. '
O look, look in the mirror
O look in your distress:
Life remains a blessing
Although you cannot bless.
'O stand, stand at the window
As the tears scald and start;
You shall love your crooked neighbour
With your crooked heart.'
It was late, late in the evening,
The lovers they were gone;
The clocks had ceased their chiming,
And the deep river ran on.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thanks for all the support guys:(
So actually these two months have something in common. All the insperational pieces are songs and they are both by joni mitchell :)
Circle game
Yesterday a child came out to wonder
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
And tearful at the falling of a star
Then the child moved ten times round the seasons
Skated over ten clear frozen streams
Words like, when youre older, must appease him
And promises of someday make his dreams
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and dawn
Were captive on the carousel of time
We cant return we con only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game.
Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now
Cartwheels turn to car wheels thru the town
And they tell him,Take your time, it wont be long now
Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and dawn
Were captive on the carousel of time
We cant return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game
So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur Coming true
Therell be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through.
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
Were captive on the carousel of time
We cant return, we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game
Both Sides Now
Rows and floes of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons evrywhere
Ive looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun
They rain and snow on evryone
So many things I would have done
But clouds got in my way
Ive looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
Its cloud illusions I recall
I really dont know clouds at all
Moons and junes and ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way you fee
lAs evry fairy tale comes real
Ive looked at love that way
But now its just another show
You leave em laughing when you go
And if you care, dont let them know
Dont give yourself away
Ive looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
Its loves illusions I recall
I really dont know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
Ive looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads, they say Ive changed
Well somethings lost, but somethings gained
In living evry day
Ive looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
Its lifes illusions I recall
I really dont know life at all
Ive looked at life from both sides now
From up and down, and still somehow
Its lifes illusions I recall
I really dont know life at all
P.S. oh and I do appreciate the poem alisha. You know I always love to hear about your bodily functions. Oh wait... NO. But I still liked it.:)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
For Landis
Like rain falling gently to the ground
(Just something I cooked up while on the toilet one afternoon)
Friday, October 17, 2008
How to be dead alive (this may be changed, I don't really like it.)
It's not like I want too
You just don't give me the choice
You never listened to anything I said
I may as well talk to the walls
There's such injustice in your phone calls
I'm first on your list
but you don't care about me at all
You never really got me
no one ever fully will
I don't cry over the milk
but merely the fact that I spilled
I love people who
aren't any good
No one comforts me
when I'm down
I'm too strong
but I wish that they would
But it's not about me
so just take it easy
it's not your fault
So I'll tell you the truth:
you never knew my secrets
it was all another ruse
another play
on the chessboard of life
But what I never knew
is that you played me too
So now I'm standing on thin ice
watching my friends fall through the cracks
And the smiles in my memory
like old photographs
seem more and more unreal
and of all the things for me to feel
I feel depressed
And the Irony of it all
is that if you'd ever been able to catch me
I would have never begun to fall.
"Please listen to me baby, it is all down to drugs. Atleast I remeber taking them and not alot else"
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Since I'm all about breaking the rules...
I'm going to post my photography that inspired this poem. Why the hell not?

Monday, October 13, 2008
The girl in the window
shattered truth
shattered lies
shattered youth
broken heart
broken light
broken feelings
broken sight
trodden hope
trodden path
trodden frown
trodden laugh
sunken eyes
sunken dreams
sunken hopes
or so it seems
Monday, October 6, 2008
So Far Gone
Let the world see those eyes
The ones that saw nothing
And tilt them towards the skies.
But in the heart of darkness
You've seen everything
Just when life is silent
The birds begin to sing.
The tune pounds through your eardrums
Forcing you awake
Everything comes back so clear
You'll shiver, scream, and shake.
Tears will trickle downwards
Just so you can know
Why it is you can't be heard
Last chance before you go.
Swing right through the curtains
As that cold wind whips your face
Impelling you to realize
You need a faster pace.
Oh lift up you head, child
Let rain mix with your tears
Then march down the dirt road
Empty of your fears.
There’s no chance to suffer
For your vision comes up black
But even if it feels right,
Don’t try looking back.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Something new, to change it up
The day faith died;
Therein she laid it, heard the clod’s sick fall,
And smiled aside-
“If less I ask,” tear-blind she mocked, “I may
Be less denied.”
She set a rose to blossom in her hair,
The day faith died-
“Now glad,” she said, “and free at last, I go,
And life is wide.”
But through long nights she stared into the dark,
And knew she lied.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Silence playing
Darkness staying
Kids harassing
Sunshine passing
Corpses living
Beggars giving
Summer leaving
Hopeless grieving
Laughter wanting
Daydreams haunting
Peace sign shooting
Rich men looting
Dreamers leading
Beauty bleeding
Outlaws saving
Foes behaving
Children drinking
World shrinking
Scraped wrists lying
Pleasure dying.
-Kara, who is starting to write a lot of poetry again so will be posting on this thing a lot soon
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Thank you, Allison
Whether you know this or not you were a major influence on my life and an inspiration. You changed my perception and made me see the world as simply as you do. You reminded me that people aren't one dimensional, a lesson I treasure greatly. Really thank you. Oh and you brought me all the things you found that were shiny or pretty so that was an extrea bonus. I can't think of a better way to explain you than this: A note you left me in my little book of poems that you loved to read. You called the book my soul. This was all the advice I'll ever need.
Life, by Allison Wang
A square
A circle
An obtuse triangle
An infinite number
Of shapes.
the air of a new spring day
a chick
a cub
a new animal
is born.
the deaths of many
a shriek
a screech
But feel,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A common love story that is completely unique
Sunday, August 3, 2008
The Last Waltz
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Close Encounters of the Real Kind
So you think there’s things I got to do
Things that are my duty to me
I’m so sick and so fucking tired
Of hearing how things are “supposed” to be
Sure my life’s one fucked up mess
Who hasn’t noticed by now
And everyone’s telling me how to fix it
But the truth is they don’t even know how
Pretty soon people start to go away
They leave me to my tears
They walk away without a care
And leave me with my fears
They leave me with my problems
They leave me with their guns
They think they’re helping me
But they’re the worst fucking ones
There’s the ones who say shit about me
The ones who poison my life
I just say fuck them
But it still cuts deep like a knife
I say that I don’t fucking care
Even though the truth is that I do
I just can’t seem to make myself
Act up to the truth
Yeah I’m having problems
And yeah I want them gone
But trouble’s always here to stay
Though happy goes and comes
I don’t want your sympathy
It’s an empty jar
You act as though you’re sorry
But pity doesn’t go far
You think I want all you’re advice
But I know what to do
But I’m sure as hell not doing it
And neither will you
All your talk is what it is
Worthless jabber to make you feel good
You think you’re doing so much
Ha, doubt you ever could
People like me aren’t worth your time
We know this, so should you
We don’t even care what you say
Words are never true
So what if I have given up
So what if I die
No one misses people like me
And I won’t even cry
But for now I’m just fed up
I don’t want to go anymore
I’m done trying to make things rhyme
They never have before
I compare my life to poetry
Scripted like a play
Maybe that’s why I love the theatre
So I can wash thoughts away
The music’s just a shadow
That I can hide inside
The theatre’s just a house
In which I can hide
And if I strip those away from me
I’m only dry bones
Nothing special hidden
Deep inside you groan
You wasted all your time
For something empty like a book
They don’t hold fucking answeres
But you convince yourself to look
So when will you stop trying
To find meaning in your life
Put away your distractions
And stab me with that knife
Cause I alone have realized
The real meaning of life
And there is none
Life is a mistake
We were never meant to be here
Never meant to ramble on
About how suckish our lives are
While never making sense of our direction
So this poem I’ve written
Holds meaning only to me
It rambles on an on
Like how mistaken life was never meant to be
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Freeze the frame
humming tunes
forget the lies
beneath that tree
time slows
so the sun can burn
and the winds can blow
thoughts spin out
into time and space
the camera raised
to the face
or at least tried
to freeze that moment
for all of time
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
With excitement every day
I wouldn’t have to wait
For someone to show me the way
So this is life, it is indeed
I couldn’t really tell
Without pinching myself again
In a masochistic hell
It’s been a very sad time here
So this is what I’ll shout
I’ve never even kissed a soul
Yeah now my secret’s out
But now I never will because
It all ends right here
Take control of your own life?
Yeah right, I can’t even steer
It doesn’t end today, you see
So there’s not need to mourn
‘Cause I haven’t been living
Since the day that I was born
I Kill It
It kinda takes away your life
It’s not long before you’re all gone
You’ve been sliced through by a sharp knife
You’re spiraling into the darkest whole
It’s too bad it’s such a cliché
But still it’s so hard to imagine
That anyone could feel this way
You don’t want to think about a thing
Into a ball are all your thoughts swirled
You feel as helpless as can be
There’s no help for you in the all world
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Into the Wild
Monday, April 14, 2008
why tonight the one
for the block to be broken
the poem to be done
Maybe it's the music
or the fact that my sheets are upside down
maybe caus there aren't
any stars around
but for some reason
after a month of pent up thought
tonights the night
the ideas caught
Now i'll probably be up
till four am
for there are things to write
memories to condem
so maybe this poem is crap
maybe I'm out of touch
but one thing i can tell you
is words have never been woth so much
4/12(or was it 13?)/08
echoing in my mind
no way to speak
I'm trapped
Frustration frustration frustration
I don't know what to do
there simply aren't words
only thought
Fear Fear Fear
What if I've lost my abilty to express?
No, it will come I'm just blocked
by frustration
Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure
the words have come
But I fear they are worthless
a torn page
Thoght thoght thought thought thought.....
Saturday, March 29, 2008
My Tragic Demise
Of all of this shit
Of all this fucking strife
Just kill me now, I'm begging you
I've been through all this, through and through
I'm puking up blood and I'm puking up shit
My heart is thumping
I'm passed the end of my wit
All you do is sit there and stare
I'm sitting here dying and you don't even care
I'm laying here swearing and I'm laying here crying
But I'm not making any sound
And yet I'm still trying
But there's no thoughts in my head
I think that I'm dead, I think that I'm dead
Saturday, March 8, 2008
How much I wanted this to be
Would you still have been so rude?
Would you still not have cared to hurt me?
I've learned just one thing
From all this life that I have had
If I want something to happen
It won't, don't matter if I want it really bad
I hate how in books they will say
"If this was a book, this wouldn't occur"
But then it does
And they thank the lord
So perhaps that's why I don't believe
In anything unordinary
There's no reason that I should
So religion I will bury
But here's something that's quite strange
I'll state it in this verse
If a coincidence does happen,
It's always for the worse.
Maybe it's just 'cause
I have no given luck
And if that's true then it's no wonder
That my life really sucks.
-Kara (And I know that this poem also sucks, but I couldn't really come up with anything better that the moment)
Things to be forgotten.
I’m scared ill be forgotten
I’m scared ill fade away
I’m scared ill be erased
In your hearts and minds
Like I wasn’t there
Without a trace
If I am forgotten
While my life is over,
My soul will be lost
In this world.
Looking for someone to remember
The person I once was
The person who was your friend
Over the years
No matter how hard people try [to remember]
They always forget
You might think you’ll never forget me
Days will go by with thoughts of me
Over time you will think of me less and less
And that’s when my heart
Is like it truly never exists
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Music Fades
To that magical feeling?
It was
To feel
This way.
No longer
Do I feel anything for this song
Numbness has taken over
It’s what I hate more than anything else
In the world
I can’t stand how quickly it goes
It makes me sick
Drives me crazy.
It makes me
Sunday, March 2, 2008
To Survive, You Need Water
Than you ever thought you could be
What do you do?
You write poetry
So this is my song
Just lacking a tune
That’s brought on, no less
By a Sunday afternoon
Life is getting harder
To live in, to enjoy
I need it to have feeling
Or myself I will destroy
And this is a message
To all that are let down
“Live in the present
Stop messing around
This is your LIFE
Believe it or not.
It cannot be wasted
Though that happens a lot
So maybe you should
Try to turn it around
Let's all find adventure
Just follow the sound
'Cause lying in bed
Will just make you sick
Better leave while there's time
Or here you will stick.”
Well I can't believe
How fast things have changed
Obsession’s slave, I am
Could it be more deranged?
The timing was then
The moment is now
If I'm gonna make it
I need to learn how
I'll plan for excitement
It'll take many years
But I won't waste time
With school, with careers
In the end it will work out
I feel it, I do
I'll find life in me yet
Then the world won't be so blue.
Moon Song
His Majesty moon
in his castle of kings
from July to June
this song he sings
let the stars be bright
let the sea be calm
let the velvet night
be dark and long
let me shine
from wax to wane
let me shine
in glorys flame
And if the sun
comes to rise
let me return
from my demise
Let the winter snow
dust the evergreen trees
and let the fall winds blow
and shake the fiery leaves
let the summer days be hot
and nights be cool
let the dogs have spots
let the children be fools
let the spring rains flow
let the wild flowers bloom
let the willow trees grow
let the thunder boon
let the children smile
let the adults give in
if just for a little while
let life begin
The voices in my insomniatic head
from my sleep
I feel so alive
I think I'm dead
As I lie
Staring at the ceiling
I hear them calling
the voices in my head
the voices of reason
I wish to shut out
The speak to me
wise words
I don't understand
all of what they say
they tell me things
I've never heard
they speek of freedom
joy and light
they shout to find it
from the corners of my mind
So I go looking
for what I don't know
I see sorrow and pain
Hapiness, I do not find
yet still I search
I won't give up
I'll follow those voices
to the end of the earth
that's all I see
fear and sameness
that's what we breathe
A fog has settled
in our minds
break out and fight
for all mankind
the patterns are not
easily read
they burn in our brains
until we're dead
But we can change it
you and I
trick the trickers
decieve the lie
Question Authority
Challeng what's right
break down the walls
stand and fight
there is no end
to this war we wage
for peace and love
are the key to the cage
A new hope
a dawn for man
learn from the battle
or repeat it again
It's all about losses and gains
in this world of mine
foes and enemies
and those you leave behind
~ Landis
The voices
The voices stay inside my head
I cry in pain telling them to get out
Each day growing louder and louder
More voices coming in
I can’t stand it anymore
Please stop! Get out!
The voices stay inside my head
I don’t hear them all day
When I find myself alone, or sometimes just at random
That’s when they seem to love to come back
The voices scar my soul
Please PLEASE just get out!
The voices stay inside my head
I try to drown them out
The music, it purifies my soul
When I play music, it all goes away
The notes zoning me out into a whole new world
The world I wish was realThe world with peace. ~by Judy
Saturday, March 1, 2008
The Inner Workings of Perfection
Is when the truth is shown
And it's so far from what you thought
You didn't know what it was you got
Until that moment when the truth comes out
Things were good, but not enough to shout
Because they were great
But in this new state
Of knowing and finding what is so strange and new
And exactly what you thought you wouldn't like, too
You find these strange new feelings
Unlike any other dealings
You've had before now
And you're not really sure how
But things are greater than they were before
And he's exactly what you need for forever more
The opposite of what you thought
Is the dead shot
Of what you want, need, and now know
All the tangled messes you have sewn
Honestly just don't matter anymore
Unlike any time before
You KNOW for absolute
You can go ahead and shoot
You're in a place to far to reach
By no one can you be beseeched
To come down from this newfound place
Of such beauty and grace
Several spend their whole lives trying to find
This, but they don't know they first must bind
Their hopes and dreams and entire lives
To the one thing that truly revives
The one they love the most
And if in risen flames those things roast
You don't care because beside you
Is the one that's perfect for you too
And they are all that matters to you
Because the facts are straight and true
The two of you were made for each other
The perfection you just can't cover
They call you the perfect couple all the time
And before you just saw the signs
But now you know for sure
That you'll be in love forever more
With your soulmate
It was just fate
That brought you two together and then
When you discover the inner workings of them
And all the feelings are sudden and new
It was as if on cue
Your love multiplied by the thousands
And you feel justified and grand
To know that they're your baby
And maybe, just maybe
The rest of the world will someday find
Something as fine
As what the two of you share
And how much you care
And this is me and my baby
That is our true story
Our love's own true identy
Can't be compared to any quantity
And so this person beside me
No one can tear us apart really
Becase me and him, him and me
We are two halves of the same being
-Alisha 3/1/08
Happiness is a Warm Gun
But please just don't touch
Her now, she's broken, just let her be
One breath of wind and in pieces she would be
But she needs someone to hold her tight
And tell her everything will be alright
Take her to a place where things aren't as tough
Trust me, she's had enough
This pain
It's just insane
She can't get up off the floor
She screms and cries until she just can't anymore
She screams until her lungs burst
This is the first
Time she's cried so hard
And her heart is marred
Beyond possible repair
But she knows that people still care
She's not a girl that misses much
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, ohhh....
I need a fix a cause I'm goin down
Down to the pits that I left of town
I know no one can do me no harm
Cause happiness is a warm gun
(With some lyrics from Happiness is a Warm Gun by The Beatles)
fairy tail
My very own life fairy tail
I saw you one day and fell in love
I never thought that happiness could come
Ever so boldly I come up to you
A kiss on the lips
Everything turns out well
I hear wedding bells
“the end”
Fairy tails are happy
Too bad life isn’t like one
In real life my day isn’t so bright
Always a rain on my could
I see your smile
Makes me feel nothing could go wrong
A few seconds later I tell myself
Its not for me
It never will be
The end
Long Overdue, by judy
So long overdue
I said goodbye but never meant those words
Thinking thoughts inside my head
You moved on but not I instead
I said to you we would still be friends
That may not be a lie
But barely truth
I miss those days where we talked
Now days would go by and no words are said
I wonder if you think of me
I think of you every day
I know you don’t try that much
Its too much to think you do
That may be a lie
But barely the truth
Friday, February 29, 2008
Hit Me With Your best Shot- Just Make It Softer Then This One
That I turn off the light
Though this day's the worst I've ever had
I would laugh if someone said it wasn't so bad
But then again I don't know
If laughing is my foe
If I could actually laugh right now
Feels like I was hit with a snow plow
Am I in a coma
No, if I were I wouldn't smell that bitter aroma
Of my tears and pain mixed
If I were I'd feel that sweet bliss
Of release
Of increase
Of thoughtless retreat
That you can't beat
Better than feeling this pain
I don't like playing this game
I just gotta get out
I just gotta shout
I just gotta be free
Of this horror spree
Will my nightmare ever end
Will I ever be a decent friend
Will I stop hurting the people I love
Snap me out of it, please someone shove
Me until I break
My tears form a lake
The surface icy smooth
Til my tears fall again with the truth
I'm alone in the world
My fist is curled
Around the last shred of hope
With it I can maybe cope
Until I see him again
I want to go the coma place I've never been
And maybe I can just last
All this mess in a full body cast
Feel the rising bile
In my throat
Give my heart a quick, shoddy coat
Of glue
So that I can stop feeling so blue
It won't work for very long
I don't feel very strong
I got kicked below the belt
Feelings I have never felt
But it was a kick that I had aimed
And I don't like to play this game
Even though I already knew
That I would get kicked even worse than you
- Alisha
What is Patriotic?
the stomachs are churning
as smoke fills the air
the world keeps turning
nobody's learning
nobody seems to care
the war is raging
the goverment is caging
the people to our empty heads
we're no longer growing
we're no longer thriving
soon enough we'll all be dead
the presidents not thinking
he stares with eyes unblinking
on the country that once was great
the tears are falling
the fire's not cooling
is this our fate?
the drums are banging
the orchestra is playing
the music is chaiotic
the mother is crying
for a freedom that's dieing
What is patriotic?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Everyone's Child
let your eyes dry
time for bed child
no need to cry
rest your head child
no use to pry
but the hope is dead child
so why even try?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sleepy-Eyed Song
My heart is putting up a fight.
To sleep I need it to be silent
For this, I can really thank Rent
And now I'm getting thirsty
Cups of tears have just left me.
To happiness.
To making life a mess.
To all I love wrapped into one.
To having increasing amounts of fun.
How could this have happened again?
Music's a better obsession than men.
It's the last time, I've promised myself.
Yeah right. Trust is on a dusty shelf.
So what if I don't know when
To stop chewing on this pen.
Damn, I broke a bracket off again.
And I swear I'll never sleep again.
I know I'll never love again.
Except I never have, you see.
So let's fuck living. Woe is me.
This poem might not be my best
'Cause music makes up for lack of rest.
But I'm feeling way too much this time.
So I'll put it all down in rhyme.
Now I'm thinking 'bout all I haven't done.
The worry will come with the sun.
I wish I could play my guitar.
But sleeping parents aren't far.
So here I gaze out the window sill
Every living, loving thing wants to hide
It makes me really sick inside
If Living Doesn't Kill You
Or anything at all
I'd know he was against me
"It's fake," I'd think. "His call."
If I'm going insane
Which I must be, more and more
It doesn't make no sense
That I feel more alive than ever
If I was left out in the cold
At this hour, it wouldn't be so bad
As long as there was love there
It'd be the best I ever had.
If tears come from inside you
I must be running out
Ain't never drank no water
But it's a silent way to shout.
If wanting just means nothing
And living's all you got
There's no hope for the deserving
Desire has become forgot
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Life's Woes Can Rhyme
To write this all in rhyme
But I'll write every word
At least I'll say I tried:
1. You are pretty great
I owe you my life
Though we occasionally debate
There isn't too much strife
2. You too are pretty fab
I like how you make me laugh
Without you life would get pretty drab
You're like my friendship other half
3. You frustrate me so much
You act like you're my friend
But then when it suits you such
You make fun when you should defend
4. Sometimes I think you're mad at me
Then I think about how I don't know
If you can actually feel
If that face you wear is just a lie you've sewn
5. You are so confused
You mind's all blood and bruise
But trust me I've been in your shoes
Sometimes you forget who you really are, that I am you
6. Love is a great thing
It comes at your time of need
All the great things it can bring
But try not to forget other things, I've done this indeed
7. What happens when you want to die
What happens when you've done bad things
What happens when you want to cry
I'm sorry about the terror to you I bring
8. Fall hard
Give all you've got to give
Act like a retard
But don't be afraid to live
9. I really, really love you
Though I forget to be nice to you sometimes
You bring out my maternal instinct too
You're my baby and you're the only one who acts without lines
10. Most of you can figure out who I am
The one who appears to write the least
My cover is a sham
I'm the one who's internally a beast
- Anonymously Again
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tales from a Broken Heart
The darkest thing you ever knew
It makes you want to stay inside
There's every reason you should hide
You drape yourself in heavy clothes
And rewatch all those boring shows
So put your boots on one by one
In hopes of soaking up some sun
Out the door you drag your feet
You start to stroll on down the street
Mabye this won't turn out so bad
You think, to stop from feeling sad
Just when you've got a glowing strut
Your brain remembers your warm hut
No more are you feeling so tall
On ice you slip and down you fall
Discouraged, slowly heading home
No longer on these streets you roam
And when you've arrived do you see
Kids frolicking, fun and free
Back inside your broken house
You feel as helpless as a mouse
As you wander down the hall
You never should have left at all
Monday, February 18, 2008
Yet Untitled
our eyes must washÈd be
with the tares and tears
of sorrow strong
our veins must run
with blood that's thicker
than that unknown elixer
that's promised after death
our hearts must be broken
time and time again
patched for when
the next crusader comes
our souls must be damaged
burned beyond repair
and touched by the care
of those most unexpected
our minds must be tortured
till our breath comes short
a futile attempt to sort
right and wrong
we must fall to the ground
waiting to die
and lying there,a single tear we'll cry
for all our hopes and dreams
the light will go out
we'll be lost
that is the cost
for living with eyes open
and as we lie there
the tear on our cheek
the future bleak
a fire will start inside
It will burn on
In shadows and light
through the darkest nights
it will perservere
And it will reach our heart
and warm it through
and the wind that always blew
will open it up
It will reach our soul
put passion in it's depths
to melt the bad, till all that's left
Is joy and hope
It will reach our mind
and let it be wise
this is the prize
that our journey pays
And finally it will reach our eyes
forcing our lids to open be
the fire burns there for all the world to see
never will we be blind again
The fire shows our journey
through troubled times
all the mountains that we've climbed
to reach our paradise
Your eyes have seen the darkness
your mind has wise, grown
your heart is now shown
gladly, on your sleave
your soul is now protected
by the walls of your past
I promise they will last
I would know
I know the confusion is strange
I know the pain is great
But this is the fate
of those who want to see
I've traveled the path
I know the Journey well
so now I'm here to tell
you to not give up hope
for when you reach the point
when you are breaking
you are really waking
from the sleep that keeps you blind
~Landis 2/18/08
The World's Worst
Of the lost and hated lies
It’s the gift of feeling broken
A beauty to the eyes
When all the world’s against you
You can’t help but wonder why
What it is you haven’t done
It’ll make you want to cry
And never finding trouble
Is a very curious thing
Only adds to the emotions
All about which you sing
For someone that hates yelling so
You’d think that I would like
The way that I’ve been treated
All my life, I’ll go on strike.
But no you can’t
You cannot find
It in your heart
Or in your mind
So all I can do
Is shy and shy
And hate and hate
And cry and cry
Music Kills You?! I Love It....
It drives away the pain
I don't like the croud
All calling my name
The music is my escape
I can close my eyes
Maybe the musical drape
Will give me a wanted demise
- Alisha
Just Glow
away down in the dark
where i run and i serach
for where i'll place my mark
but deep in my place
in the dark of my soul
there's a cog of sorts
trys to blind me of goal
while the stronger the cog
the more and more ill learn
like a song in the dark
i compulsivly burn
so you can watch me burn
but instead of ashes
my goals just get bigger
to see through my lashes
dont think for a second
ill be quiet no no
although now i seem clear
i swear someday ill glow
Sunday, February 17, 2008
There Once Was a Life
I hate myself
I hate this life
That shoots me with a gun
And cuts me with a knife
I can't stand all this strife
So I've fallen to the floor
And look, I hit my head
You hit the nail on the head
That nail
That nail
That mashed up,
based up
hit down let down once shiny nail
For this I'll end up in Hell
Or so you would say in the south
Which is closer to
All hail the queen
But what did she do
To deserve this regime?
I mean
I mean
I mean I mean I mean
What did I do to deserve this life
This lifeThat shoots me with a gun
And cuts me with a knife
I can't stand all this strife
So I've fallen to the floorAnd look, I hit my head
And now I'm seeing thing
So hook me on some LSD
'Cause that acid ain't as bad
As throwing up
Am I growing up?
Or just turning around
Going down the street
Of memories I thought I knew but now I'm incomplete
'Cause I've got something to chose
And the more you care,
the more you have to lose
Well then I've got everything to lose
And all my life you made me believe I was only worth
Except what I pay for things
And the way you look at me
Is the same
No matter what I do
It don't matter what I do
'Cause everything I do is for worse
It seems.
I mean
I mean
I. Mean.
I can't stand this life
That shoots me with a gun
And cuts me with a kinfe
So I've fallen to the floor
Again I hit my head
And look
I'm dead.
Ready or not
I’ve been told life isn’t fair.
But I’ve also been told
School is preparing for life.
School is childhood.
So childhood ain’t life.
There’s no need
To treat me like a person
Sure you’re an adult
Sure you think you’re “wiser”
Thinking that doesn’t seem very wise to me
Age is relative, you see.
I understand that you understand that
But why does that idea seem so flat?
Why are you the boss?
Is it in the rules?
You’re allowed to yell
You’re allowed to swear
And you’re also allowed
To love.
“Young love isn’t real,”
I’ve been told.
“You need to learn what love is
And after years, you’ll be ready.”
Well I’ve been ready since I was ten.
And every day I wonder when.
When will the sun go dark?
When will I seem my age?
When will I stop asking “when” and start living?
The time is now.
After years
I’m ready.
I’m ready.
No Other Road
I can not sleep
I'm so hungry
I can not eat
I'm so thirsty
I can not drink
I've lost my mind.
I'm so sad
I can not cry
I'm such an actress
I can not lie
I'm in so much pain
I can not die
I'm searching for something
I'm so weak
I can not sit
I'm so mad
I can't have a fit
I'm so sensitive
I can't feel a bit
But solace, I can not find.
I'm running circles
I can't move my feet
I hear the notes
I can't find the beat
I've got so much to say
I can not speak
My eyes can't close.
I'm so lonely
I'm never alone.
I'm so warm
I'm chilled to the bone
It's so light
I can't see the sun
I can't help but feel.
I'm so blind
I see everything
I'm so mute
I always sing
I'm so deaf
I hear the suffering
I can't escape, It's all to real.
~Landis 2/15/08-2/17/08
The Moon and I
Poison blue sky
A moonlit face
Hung way up high
We understand each other
The Moon and I
All alone
No stars around
Longingly looking
Toward the ground
We’re not so different
The Moon and I
Lonely journey
On the path oft tread
Doomed to repeat
Until we’re dead
We’re sisters
The Moon and I
Life of monotone
Locked in orbit
It’s the same old story
We’re tired
The Moon and I
Waves of shadow
Bringing sadness
No clouds to cover
Chained by darkness
We’re afraid
The Moon and I
The sun, boasting of his blaze
Shines at the break of noon
Happy in his ever living glory
But we sing a different tune
We envy him
The Moon and I
Blood on the horizon
In the silence of dawn
Quietly dieing
It's for the stars we long
We're Gone
The Moon an I
Endless sky
No boundaries there
No walls up high
Oh the joy
That flying would be
Endless possibilities
Far as the eye could see
What does it mean to you?
The wind in your hair?
Or the grass filled with dew?
A path
To walk down?
Or to only be lost
Until you are found
The freedom it would bring
A sun to rise
A bird to sing
Ah how I wish-
But, no, for now
I’m rooted by burdens
Held to the ground
Ropes that tie me
Binding my wings
Poisons that burn me
Bugs that sting
Someday I’ll escape
Someday I’ll be free
Someday I’ll fly again
Someday I’ll be me
But not now
Now there are deeds to be done
Things to be seen
My Journey has just begun
Still I long for escape
Into the sky
There is a way
A door in my mind
For if I am chained
to this small space
With no where to roam
In my mind there’s a place
A Space to fly
Room to wander
No more storms here
No lightning or thunder
A peaceful summer
A moment in time
Frozen forever
A corner in my mind
There is a skill
We all possess
It opens all doors
And gives us access
To a place filled with wonder
Without hate or fear
Filled with happiness and adventure
Where all questions are clear
It leaves you with youth
With your coming of age
A clean slate
A brand new page
But what’s left behind
What will we miss?
Do we trade money and power?
For childhood bliss?
The world in your head
Lose that
And you’ll suffer till…
Saturday, February 16, 2008
A Violent Mind
Good sir, could you give me mental peace?
Good sir, what’s that? You said no?
I wish all the no’s in life would cease
You can never get what you want
The good sir’s aren’t good enough
Your soul is being severed
Life is getting tough
You sit there only watching
The world spinning wildly round
You can’t reach out and touch them
You mind is not so sound
It’s so very maddening
This craziness you cannot touch
You try so hard to make a difference
It doesn’t do very much
You struggle against the forces
Pushing on your mind
You move on toward the future
You never look behind
You’re lying in the wild
Watching the never changing stars
You become one with them
Briefly you know who you are
We must abandon all worldliness
To find out what we are
We must do the simple things
Try counting every star
No one can show you the way
You need to find for yourself
You can put away your greediness
On that forgotten shelf
You make it sound so easy
But really it’s so hard
The bad thoughts push down on you
There’s no hopefulness, not even a shard
The sad things make you dizzy
The good things make you sick
The cut’s supposed to clot
But the blood is running thick
The veins stick out under your skin
Water’s a thing of the past
Your bones are sticking out
Lack of food makes weight come off fast
Your mind’s a venus fly trap
How easy you get stuck
No one will come save you
Your mind clogs with unwanted muck
Your vision gets all blurry
You rock yourself to best
The evil thoughts that haunt you
You make a safety nest
You cry and scream and claw
At the serpent on your breast
It just squeezes tighter
Your heart beats in your chest
The panic is attacking now
You don’t know what to do
These thoughts give you hallucinations
The said your mind cannot kill you
Good sir, what has happened to me?
Why did you let me die?
Good sir, you are not so good
You didn’t even try
- Alisha
Ode to Papa Roach
It’s been said a thousand times before.
I care far too much.
And every time I cry,
That’s another scar
That does indeed remind me
That life has happened.
I have been worn.
Threads have been torn.
But feeling is a human kind of thing, they say
And I’m that just as much.
Maybe too human.
But SOMEONE has to make up
For those who don’t feel a thing
For the type that lets everything pass them by
And nothing gets soaked up
Now here’s something that you don’t know
A couple weeks ago
I wondered what was wrong with me
For crying hadn’t been my thing
Until now
But then I came to understand
That I was oh so wrong
It’s not what’s wrong with me right now
But what was wrong before
For someone who can’t stand the sight
Of sorrow or of joy
You can’t keep all that bottled up
Or you’re sure to explode.
And explode, I must have
And boy was it time
Now the tears seem to leak out
At any given moment
And what gets me the most
What always has
Is not the dying ones
It’s those in want
And those in need
Receiving what they deserve
What I have to give
I thought that you could see
My life’s an empty pit
This peanut shell is hollow
It was emptied long ago
But what’s difficult to swallow
Is that one didn’t ever grow
When you stop your search
You’ll be tired and broke
There’s nothing behind my eyes, like an empty perch
There’s no guitar string to stroke
No music comes from within me
No reverbrations down an empty hall
Scared you scream
I’m a porcelain doll
Know Who You Are
This eternal bleeding
I search the earth for something to patch the wounds
And stop my mind from weeping
Then maybe I could start sleeping
I’m never ever tired
Always happy as a lark
My mind is never unhappy
I love the way things work
I never wade in a lake full of murk
My mind is always changing
Today I am curious and ecentric
Tomorrow I am romantic but shy
I’m happy to change all the time
Nothing is taken as an ominous sign
Things around me are bloody
The violence’s getting worse
Peace is far away
I don’t know what to do to help
I just want to melt
Things are a-okay
I can’t find anything particularly wrong
But in my opinion my life is such a waste
I find solace in hating everything around me
My eyes are permanently closed so I don’t have to see
All these people have it easy
They know who they are
Everything about them is clear
But who I am I don’t really know
My wild oats- how will I sew?
- Crazily Confused
Shush! I'm A Bad Babysitter On The Run
You couldn't be any worse than me
The kids love me, that is true
That's cause I let them do whatever they wanna do
I was told to send them to bed at eight
They wanted to stay up til midnight, I said that was great
Candy, they just keep eating more
I said okay til their stomachs get sore
If your parents decide to hire me
You're in for a rare treat
Though I won't be back cause once they find out
They'll chase me with a pitchfork while I painfully shout
(Based on my real babysitting skills. Though I've never been chased with a pitchfork by angry parents.)
Life is a deep pool
In a whirlwind of colours and light
And then BAM! You're up all night.
And look at that.
You just created a war
Inside your head
It's only a dream
It's only your life.
Is that worth fighting for?
Can't you take it anymore?
Want to hear a secret?
It's something you should know
A single thing can change a life.
Or save one
So on with the show!
On with your mission
To become the world's best.
You don't care who are what you are
As long as you're above the rest.
Well now you're identity is dead and gone
Does that make you feel at all?
There's no where farther up to go
So prepare for a downward fall.
And that cancer you were gonna cure
So many years ago
It's taken half the world now
Ironic, don't you know?
Yeah maybe poems ain't your thing
But this one, it's for you.
So turn it into a pop song
Because it's yours to sing.
And in the mirror, can't you see
Your face through shallow eyes?
Gone are all the colours and light
Oh, what a surprise.
Assume It's Real
Sitting there,
Curled up, cold
She could be 5
or 9
Or maybe 20 years old
And though she started off young
Right now you could not tell
That what you see before you
Is the remains of living hell
She's got wrinkles on her brain
And her heart, well it is blind
It's just called getting older
Slowly wearing out the mind
You may think now that's been done
A girl left alone
But for her, in this life
The terror's just begun
So look, look once more my friend
At that girl sitting there
See her now through different eyes
And feel your standing on end hair.
A Hippie's World
See that leaf on the tree?
How wonderful
The little things can be
See that kite in the wind?
See that bird learning to fly?
Someday I too
Would like to touch the sky
See that kitten sleeping?
See the sun go down?
We all go to sleep
And dream without a frown
When things are so simple
Life is better, can't you see
If everyone was peaceful
What a fine world this would be
- Alisha
Friday, February 15, 2008
Broken Beyond Repair
Wiping at my tears
I feel so alone
Nobody hears
Crying, crying
The tissues can't stop the flow
I can't handle the pain
Tearing at my soul
You look at me
I look at you
I look away
I can't look at you
You don't know how I feel
It would hurt you if you did
I feel trapped in a nightmare
When will I wake up?!
Help me! Help me!
I'm falling! I'm dead!
My heart isn't beating
It's broken beyond repair
- Broken and Patched
Masochistic Me
I've seen this hour several times before
I can never ever get to sleep
I'm just in way too deep
My eyes cry tear I didn't know I had
And still I kind of like feeling so bad
I can let out my emotins deep inside
The way normal people feel, I just can't abide
To survive I need extreme feelings
That's why I lay there staring at the ceiling
Depressing music plays in my head
My body is simply dead
I'm a masochistic little bitch
Like having that spot you just can't itch
I crave the things that hurt me most
Depression, heartbreak; thinks that none would ever boast
Why is my life such a tangled mess?
There's never that perfect little black dress
The suns never out
And I cannot shout
The day's are shortm the night is long
And I'm not looking quite as strong
But I don't mind at all
Because my problem list is growing tall
And no matter how long I cry
I know that it will not make me die
Because I like the pain that I feel
Feelings I do not have to steal
There are things I do to make me hurt
Scars hide beneath my shirt
They hold together my broken heart
And it's broken because of me, because I am not smart
I scare those I love the most
Searching out pain from coast to coast
The druggies have got it easy, the alcoholics too
They're not a sadistic shrew
- Mama Masochism