Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Tragic Demise

I'm so fucking sick of this whole fucking life
Of all of this shit
Of all this fucking strife
Just kill me now, I'm begging you
I've been through all this, through and through

I'm puking up blood and I'm puking up shit
My heart is thumping
I'm passed the end of my wit
All you do is sit there and stare
I'm sitting here dying and you don't even care

I'm laying here swearing and I'm laying here crying
But I'm not making any sound
And yet I'm still trying
But there's no thoughts in my head
I think that I'm dead, I think that I'm dead


Saturday, March 8, 2008


If only if only you could know
How much I wanted this to be
Would you still have been so rude?
Would you still not have cared to hurt me?

I've learned just one thing
From all this life that I have had
If I want something to happen
It won't, don't matter if I want it really bad

I hate how in books they will say
"If this was a book, this wouldn't occur"
But then it does
And they thank the lord

So perhaps that's why I don't believe
In anything unordinary
There's no reason that I should
So religion I will bury

But here's something that's quite strange
I'll state it in this verse
If a coincidence does happen,
It's always for the worse.

Maybe it's just 'cause
I have no given luck
And if that's true then it's no wonder
That my life really sucks.

-Kara (And I know that this poem also sucks, but I couldn't really come up with anything better that the moment)

Things to be forgotten.

I’m scared ill be forgotten
I’m scared ill fade away
I’m scared ill be erased
In your hearts and minds
Like I wasn’t there
Without a trace

If I am forgotten
While my life is over,
My soul will be lost
In this world.
Looking for someone to remember
The person I once was
The person who was your friend

Over the years
No matter how hard people try [to remember]
They always forget
You might think you’ll never forget me
Days will go by with thoughts of me
Over time you will think of me less and less
And that’s when my heart
Is like it truly never exists


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Music Fades

Whatever happened
To that magical feeling?
It was
To feel
This way.
No longer
Do I feel anything for this song
Numbness has taken over
It’s what I hate more than anything else
In the world
I can’t stand how quickly it goes
It makes me sick
Drives me crazy.
It makes me


Sunday, March 2, 2008

To Survive, You Need Water

When you’re feeling bluer
Than you ever thought you could be
What do you do?
You write poetry

So this is my song
Just lacking a tune
That’s brought on, no less
By a Sunday afternoon

Life is getting harder
To live in, to enjoy
I need it to have feeling
Or myself I will destroy

And this is a message
To all that are let down
“Live in the present
Stop messing around

This is your LIFE
Believe it or not.
It cannot be wasted

Though that happens a lot

So maybe you should
Try to turn it around
Let's all find adventure
Just follow the sound

'Cause lying in bed
Will just make you sick
Better leave while there's time
Or here you will stick.”

Well I can't believe
How fast things have changed
Obsession’s slave, I am
Could it be more deranged?

The timing was then
The moment is now
If I'm gonna make it
I need to learn how

I'll plan for excitement
It'll take many years
But I won't waste time
With school, with careers

In the end it will work out
I feel it, I do
I'll find life in me yet
Then the world won't be so blue.


Moon Song

It's a little cheesy, I know, and not my best work, but bare with me...

His Majesty moon
in his castle of kings
from July to June
this song he sings

let the stars be bright
let the sea be calm
let the velvet night
be dark and long

let me shine
from wax to wane
let me shine
in glorys flame

And if the sun
comes to rise
let me return
from my demise

Let the winter snow
dust the evergreen trees
and let the fall winds blow
and shake the fiery leaves

let the summer days be hot
and nights be cool
let the dogs have spots
let the children be fools

let the spring rains flow
let the wild flowers bloom
let the willow trees grow
let the thunder boon

let the children smile
let the adults give in
if just for a little while
let life begin


The voices in my insomniatic head

I'm so exausted
from my sleep
I feel so alive
I think I'm dead
As I lie
Staring at the ceiling
I hear them calling
the voices in my head
the voices of reason
I wish to shut out
The speak to me
wise words
I don't understand
all of what they say
they tell me things
I've never heard
they speek of freedom
joy and light
they shout to find it
from the corners of my mind
So I go looking
for what I don't know
I see sorrow and pain
Hapiness, I do not find
yet still I search
I won't give up
I'll follow those voices
to the end of the earth



Walls and lines
that's all I see
fear and sameness
that's what we breathe

A fog has settled
in our minds
break out and fight
for all mankind

the patterns are not
easily read
they burn in our brains
until we're dead

But we can change it
you and I
trick the trickers
decieve the lie

Question Authority
Challeng what's right
break down the walls
stand and fight

there is no end
to this war we wage
for peace and love
are the key to the cage

A new hope
a dawn for man
learn from the battle
or repeat it again

It's all about losses and gains
in this world of mine
foes and enemies
and those you leave behind

~ Landis

The voices

The voices-

The voices stay inside my head
I cry in pain telling them to get out
Each day growing louder and louder
More voices coming in
I can’t stand it anymore
Please stop! Get out!

The voices stay inside my head
I don’t hear them all day
When I find myself alone, or sometimes just at random
That’s when they seem to love to come back
The voices scar my soul
Please PLEASE just get out!

The voices stay inside my head
I try to drown them out
The music, it purifies my soul
When I play music, it all goes away
The notes zoning me out into a whole new world
The world I wish was realThe world with peace.
~by Judy

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Inner Workings of Perfection

The weirdest thing I have known
Is when the truth is shown
And it's so far from what you thought
You didn't know what it was you got
Until that moment when the truth comes out
Things were good, but not enough to shout
Because they were great
But in this new state
Of knowing and finding what is so strange and new
And exactly what you thought you wouldn't like, too
You find these strange new feelings
Unlike any other dealings
You've had before now
And you're not really sure how
But things are greater than they were before
And he's exactly what you need for forever more
The opposite of what you thought
Is the dead shot
Of what you want, need, and now know
All the tangled messes you have sewn
Honestly just don't matter anymore
Unlike any time before
You KNOW for absolute
You can go ahead and shoot
You're in a place to far to reach
By no one can you be beseeched
To come down from this newfound place
Of such beauty and grace
Several spend their whole lives trying to find
This, but they don't know they first must bind
Their hopes and dreams and entire lives
To the one thing that truly revives
The one they love the most
And if in risen flames those things roast
You don't care because beside you
Is the one that's perfect for you too
And they are all that matters to you
Because the facts are straight and true
The two of you were made for each other
The perfection you just can't cover
They call you the perfect couple all the time
And before you just saw the signs
But now you know for sure
That you'll be in love forever more
With your soulmate
It was just fate
That brought you two together and then
When you discover the inner workings of them
And all the feelings are sudden and new
It was as if on cue
Your love multiplied by the thousands
And you feel justified and grand
To know that they're your baby
And maybe, just maybe
The rest of the world will someday find
Something as fine
As what the two of you share
And how much you care
And this is me and my baby
That is our true story
Our love's own true identy
Can't be compared to any quantity
And so this person beside me
No one can tear us apart really
Becase me and him, him and me
We are two halves of the same being

-Alisha 3/1/08

Happiness is a Warm Gun

She's not a girl who misses much
But please just don't touch
Her now, she's broken, just let her be
One breath of wind and in pieces she would be
But she needs someone to hold her tight
And tell her everything will be alright
Take her to a place where things aren't as tough
Trust me, she's had enough
This pain
It's just insane
She can't get up off the floor
She screms and cries until she just can't anymore
She screams until her lungs burst
This is the first
Time she's cried so hard
And her heart is marred

Beyond possible repair
But she knows that people still care
She's not a girl that misses much
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, ohhh....
I need a fix a cause I'm goin down
Down to the pits that I left of town
I know no one can do me no harm
Cause happiness is a warm gun

(With some lyrics from Happiness is a Warm Gun by The Beatles)

fairy tail

Sometimes I dream of this story
My very own life fairy tail
I saw you one day and fell in love
I never thought that happiness could come
Ever so boldly I come up to you
A kiss on the lips
Everything turns out well
I hear wedding bells
“the end”

Fairy tails are happy
Too bad life isn’t like one
In real life my day isn’t so bright
Always a rain on my could
I see your smile
Makes me feel nothing could go wrong
A few seconds later I tell myself
Its not for me
It never will be
The end

Long Overdue, by judy

Long overdue

So long overdue
I said goodbye but never meant those words
Thinking thoughts inside my head
You moved on but not I instead
I said to you we would still be friends
That may not be a lie
But barely truth

I miss those days where we talked
Now days would go by and no words are said
I wonder if you think of me
I think of you every day
I know you don’t try that much
Its too much to think you do
That may be a lie
But barely the truth