Sunday, April 27, 2008

Into the Wild

Through the passing of days
and the shining of rays
my heart grows strong .
with the pondering of truth
and the slipping of youth 
I grow wise.
with the tears that I cry
and the dreams that die
I become tough.
with the sun at my back
and my feet on MY track
I will travel.
With the changing tide
and my soul as a guide
I'll live.
With music at ear
a world without fear
I will fashion.
with the air full of ash 
it's all about cash
I'll be happily broke.
With the world at my hand
I'll live with the land
I need nature.
with my opening eyes
the worlds got more lies
than ever before.

Dedicated to Alexander Supertramp

Monday, April 14, 2008


I don't know
why tonight the one
for the block to be broken
the poem to be done

Maybe it's the music
or the fact that my sheets are upside down
maybe caus there aren't
any stars around

but for some reason
after a month of pent up thought
tonights the night
the ideas caught

Now i'll probably be up
till four am
for there are things to write
memories to condem

so maybe this poem is crap
maybe I'm out of touch
but one thing i can tell you
is words have never been woth so much

4/12(or was it 13?)/08


thought thought thought
echoing in my mind
no way to speak
I'm trapped

Frustration frustration frustration
I don't know what to do
there simply aren't words
only thought

Fear Fear Fear
What if I've lost my abilty to express?
No, it will come I'm just blocked
by frustration

Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure
the words have come
But I fear they are worthless
a torn page

Thoght thoght thought thought thought.....